
Out of the box images
Out of the box images

out of the box images out of the box images

For more information, see: Configure Simple Content Repository. If you also have the role of marketing administrator on SAP Marketing Cloud, you can use the Content Repository Configuration app to enable the simple content repository feature and maintain the configured CDN Domain name in the app. It is also possible to map the repository to any of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers like Akamai CDN for efficient marketing content delivery.

out of the box images

These images are then also available to any email recipient when they choose to open an email in their respective email clients. This feature enables you (for a marketer) to upload images directly from Content Studio while designing marketing content. This simple content repository feature enables you to choose and upload images from your local drive to a simple content repository. With the SAP Marketing Cloud 1902 release, we are excited to announce the availability of the simple content repository feature.

Out of the box images